Sunday, November 1, 2020

Tweets Of The Day


F is for "fascist" --


Honest mistake -- 


But they're the "good" Catholics --


From inside the Fox "News" up is down bubble --


Let's say it again -- 



Old lady addresses young ladies -- 


It's what he does --


Clueless Trumpers playing the theme from "Titanic" at his rally --



  1. Not sure what century Graham is from, but it's back in Old Testament times somewhere.

    Snort -- the theme from Titanic fits as well as their campaign being the Death Star. Republicans just can't do pop-culture references.

  2. Infidel -- No sooner are they mocked for playing "YMCA" than they play the "Titanic" theme. Maybe a Dem is the musical director for their rallies.
