Simpleton symmetry --
From Spicer to McEnany...the Trump administration ends as it began: With a lie about crowd size.
— Ashley Parker (@AshleyRParker) November 14, 2020
And what a crowd it was to pep up the Very Stable Genius --
A functional conservative party would be a healthy thing for American politics but the Republican Party is not that. It's a group of hateful, irrational, selfish, conspiratorial misfits and the MAGA March on Washington put that sad state of affairs in stark relief.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 14, 2020
Trump greets his followers
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 14, 2020
Lies, lies, and more lies --
So we’re at the “Stacey Abrams colluded with the Republican governor who beat her in 2018 and the Secretary of State she’s spent the last two years battling to rig Georgia for Joe Biden” stage? Probably a sign we should wrap things up.
— Jacob Rubashkin (@JacobRubashkin) November 14, 2020
That’s because there are no signatures to check with the ballots in this audit...
— stephen fowler covers Georgia's election! (@stphnfwlr) November 14, 2020
Once the absentees (1.3M of ~5M) were accepted (signatures matched) and processed, aka removed from the envelopes, the ballots can’t be tracked back to a person!
Minor inconvenience --
To be fair the Republicans made it exceedingly clear all year that they view elections as an inconvenience to work around.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 14, 2020
Minor facts --
Dude. You lost.
— Dan Rather (@DanRather) November 13, 2020
Also, the ONLY president to EVER lose the popular vote twice.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) November 14, 2020
When Dan Rather says, “Dude, you lost”, then Dude, you lost.
ReplyDeleteA million MAGAs didn't make it. Looks like, as usual, Republicans can't do math. They'd be lucky to have drawn 5000. And not surprisingly, not many masks showed up, either. They're as stupid as they look.
donnah -- another superspreader event. Sad!