Friday, December 11, 2020

BREAKING: SCOTUS Dismisses Trumpers' Last Gasp Texas "Lawsuit"


All three justices Mango Mussolini put on the Court voted to deny Texas' motion.  "Justices" Alito and Thomas dissented in part on a process issue, though they indicated they wouldn't have been persuaded by Texas' insane argument. The seditious, un- American, frivolous gambit to re- install Mango Mussolini in the White (Supremacist) House, supported by 18 Republican State Attorneys General, and 126 anti- democracy Republican Congressshits, has failed.

That's the Fat Lady singing (again).

BONUS:  Turns out Mango Mussolini (inadvertently) called it --


And that's just what happened!


  1. It really pisses me off that none of those 126 congressmen will suffer any consequences for their traitorous actions. Especially my congressman, little weasel Joe Wilson, his district is prime trump country.

  2. BB -- Those are hard core MAGA weasels all right. Betraying their oaths to uphold the Constitution to cater to the hands down worst, most destructive president in our history. It doesn't get much lower than that. Maybe the history books will sear their names in infamy.

  3. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Of course, none of the 126 Republicans should be seated, since the election was fake and shouldn't count. I'd like to see the Republicans honor their own statements for once.

    We have seen the supposed conclusion to this election nonsense, yet Rootin' Tootin' Covid Rudy will be back, filing more claims that go nowhere. If anything, this fiasco shows that our courts can take the onslaught and fend off the attacks on democracy, at least this far.

    My greatest concern, other than shoving His Fat Ass out of the White House, is that loser Republicans do not invoke violence as retaliation. It's bad enough that they went after our democracy on paper, but to bring in their militias and thugs would send the country into chaos. Let them scream and wail and gnash their teeth, but don't bring the guns out.

  4. donnah -- Rudy Toot Toot and his fellow grifters should face legal sanctions should they file any more frivolous lawsuits, including losing their law licenses. Meanwhile, I fully expect some in the Red Hat Cult to engage in acts of intimidation and even sporadic violence as the reality of Dear Leader's beat down sinks in. IMO, they'll be squashed a la the Michigan "militia" types, but not without more permanent damage being done to our country.
