Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Defamation Suit Headed For Giuliani

Right-wing media has been warned by voting machine companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic to cease their defamatory claims that their voting machines were programmed to divert votes to President-elect Joe Biden. As a result, some of Fux's Trump propagandists in particular (Dobbs, Bartiromo and Pirro) have been humiliated by being forced to run segments on their programs that debunk their false claims.

The false claims also have been voiced by lying demagogue Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump and his campaign and legal team, prominently by Trump's personal "lawyer" greasy goblin gasbag Rudy "Toot Toot" Giuliani, something that Toot Toot might wish he'd stifled. CNN's reporting that the law firm of Clare Locke LLP, known for its expertise in defamation suits, sent letters to Toot Toot and the White (Supremacist) House counsel Pat Cipollone instructing them to preserve all documentation related to their client Dominion Voting Systems, warning Toot Toot that legal action is "imminent." The letters to Cippolone and Toot Toot bring up members of the Elite Strike Force Power Rangers who are notorious for spreading lies about the machines, per CNN's reporting:

"Trump's personal attorney must adhere to the preservation request as well as his 'principals, agents, employees, partners, associates, paralegals, and subcontractors under your supervision.' That also includes contact they had with Trump campaign staffers, [Sidney] Powell, Jenna Ellis and Lin Wood.

The letter to Cipollone similarly says that any communications between Trump and any White House employee with Powell, Giuliani, Ellis or Wood must also be retained."

Importantly, Trump's pardon power only covers Federal crimes, not civil suits brought in State or local courts for defamation. Fux and the other wingnut media companies understood that. If found guilty of defamation of the voting machine companies (and we hope they are), Toot Toot and his merry band of incompetent fascists won't have their cult leader's pardon power to hide behind. 

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