Thursday, December 31, 2020

Hawley's Charade And Trump's Plans (UPDATED)


A new contestant for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024 seems to be Tailgunner Ted Cruz imitator slippery young prick Sen. Josh "Haw Haw" Hawley, the ambitious and demagogic junior senator from Mizzou. Hawley's well-publicized authoritarian stunt of objecting to the electoral vote certification will get him raves from a rapidly fading Dear Leader and support from the MAGA cult. As an elitist Stanford and Yale educated lawyer, he knows that his grandstanding move to disenfranchise 81 million Biden voters will fail bigly, but the important thing to him is not preserving our democratic republic, but the show he's putting on for a delusional Trumpworld.

The problem for Hawley is that Dear Leader will play coy about his own plans for 2024 for a long time,  in order to maintain his power and options for himself and his family, assuming they can stay out of prison. That will freeze Republicans like Hawley, who won't dare cross the Very Stable Genius. In addition, Trump's actions over the past several years point to this: he sees himself in terms of royalty, and his corrupt family as a dynasty. If he decides not to run in 2024, which is fairly likely prison or no prison, he's been grooming his complicit daughter and object of his lust Ivanka for greater things. Witness her photo ops on so many of daddy's foreign trips to build a veneer of "foreign policy" cred, and her risible empowerment scams to garner her press domestically. If daddy so commands his captive party, she will succeed him.

So while Hawley plays the short game of worshiping at Dear Leader 's ample posterior to get support and contributions from MAGA morons, he may find himself out of the Presidential picture in 2024 as his cult leader envisions the establishment of a vengeful Trump dynasty, loyal sycophants like Hawley be damned.

BONUS: Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse calls out "dangerous ploy" by "ambitious politicians" trying to tap into Dear Leader's cult.

BONUS IISen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) cuts to the chase --


UPDATE:  But of course --

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