Monday, December 14, 2020

Monday Reading

As always, please go to the links for the full articles/ op eds. Today, we're going a little heavy on the subversion of American democracy by the rotted out Republican Party.

Here's a part of what the Washington Post editorial board had to say about the banana Republican seditionists who chose Sore Loser Mango Mussolini over American democracy:

HOUSE REPUBLICANS have faced what amounts to a choice between standing for or against democracy: whether to sign on to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s delusional lawsuit to overturn the presidential election. A large majority of them failed the test. More House Republicans, including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), on Friday signed an amicus brief supporting Mr. Paxton, just hours before the Supreme Court unceremoniously rejected the suit. This is a disheartening signal about what these members of Congress might do on Jan. 6, when at least some Republicans probably will object to the counting of President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral votes.

Mr. McCarthy and the other extremists and toadies who have signed their names to President Trump’s antidemocratic plot may think their complicity is costless, because the Supreme Court was bound to reject the Paxton lawsuit, as it did on Friday, and there are enough Democrats on Capitol Hill to foil any GOP mischief during the electoral vote counting. They are wrong. Their recklessness raises the once-unthinkable possibility that a Congress controlled by one party might one day flip a presidential election to its candidate in defiance of the voters’ will, citing claims of mass fraud just as bogus as the ones Republicans have hyped up this year.

Driving home the point, Jim Rutenberg and Nick Corasaniti have a good read on how these lickspittles put their interests and those of Sore Loser Mango Mussolini above the country's interests:

The Supreme Court repudiation of President Trump’s desperate bid for a second term not only shredded his effort to overturn the will of voters: It also was a blunt rebuke to Republican leaders in Congress and the states who were willing to damage American democracy by embracing a partisan power grab over a free and fair election.

The court’s decision on Friday night, an inflection point after weeks of legal flailing by Mr. Trump and ahead of the Electoral College vote for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Monday, leaves the president’s party in an extraordinary position. Through their explicit endorsements or complicity of silence, much of the G.O.P. leadership now shares responsibility for the quixotic attempt to ignore the nation’s founding principles and engineer a different verdict from the one voters cast in November. [snip]

...[I]t meant that Republican leaders now stand for a new notion: that the final decisions of voters can be challenged without a basis in fact if the results are not to the liking of the losing side, running counter to decades of work by the United States to convince developing nations that peaceful transfers of power are key to any freely elected government’s credibility.

We keep referencing this stain on our democracy and those 18 Republican State Attorneys General and 126 House Republicans who signed onto that "delusional lawsuit," because they mustn't be allowed to escape infamy and the consequences of their choosing to disenfranchise millions of voters and overturn a fair and free election.  You can toss a pebble in any direction and hit outrage being expressed.  Now outrage needs to be turned into action (for starters, see Rep. Bill Pascrell D-NJ).

The Chair of the Texas Republican Party and MAGA mega- loon Allen West suggested Texas might want to secede following the smack down of Sore Loser Mango Mussolini in the Republican Supreme Court.  Mikado had a response from "the Biden White House" that nails it (partial quote):

We have received your petition to secede from the United States, and have forwarded it to Congress who will act on it with their usual speed.

Any Texas citizen holding a US passport is required to surrender it immediately. Entry into the US will require a valid Texas passport. Anyone staying longer than two weeks will have to obtain a visa. Any Texas citizen (those with birth certificates issued from Texas or currently holding a Texas driver's license unless they can show a non-Texas birth certificate) in the United States have 72 hours to leave or be deported with a permanent ban on returning to the United States. This includes former Representatives and Senators from the former State of Texas.

Funding for highways, transportation, bridges, infrastructure, education and medical facilities will cease immediately. Your representatives to the US Congress are ordered to leave Washington DC immediately. [snip]

All payments for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Disability to Texas citizens are halted with immediate effect. Recipients will have to reapply, and Congress will decide if foreigners are allowed to receive payments from the United States government. Any funds coming from the United States federal government will be halted immediately.

Effective immediately, the independent country of Texas will no longer receive protection from the United States military. All military bases in Texas will be closed, and personnel relocated to bases in the United States, except for a contingency left to guard the Texas-US border. Effective immediately, the United States Coast Guard and Immigration and Customs Enforcement will no longer operate in Texas waters, aside from actions specified by International Maritime law and custom. U.S. Customs officials will be removed from all border crossing stations immediately. We suggest you form your own navy and immigration department immediately to protect your borders against foreign invaders, drug smugglers, terrorists and illegal aliens.

It's all just too good, so check the full "letter" out.  Of course, throwing tantrums and making idle threats is just jollying up the perpetually aggrieved base and also Sore Loser Mango Mussolini's modus operandi.

Finally, we highly recommend a visit to Infidel 753's link round- up for the most comprehensive array of links to posts of interest from around the Internet.  If you feel like you want an emotional release, read his loving essay on his late mother (because it's not all politics there or here).

1 comment:

  1. "loving essay on his late mother"-
    Infidel's story is my story, experienced by so many others, I'm sure. It was an emotional read but it helped me to realize that "I was... making things a little better by being there" and that "I did not fail her."
    Thank you for this, W.
