News item: Gingerbread monolith mysteriously appears in San Francisco.
“Looks like a great spot to get baked. We will leave it up until the cookie crumbles." -- San Fransciso Parks and Recreation Department General Manager Phil Ginsburg. He added, “Wow. Even makes a Jewish parks director smile.” (Sounds like Mr. Ginsburg has had experience with getting baked, in fine San Francisco style, at some point in his life -- not on the job, of course.) The story notes that it's the latest in a series of monoliths that have suddenly appeared in places like Utah and Romania, though the others were metallic.
Maybe some clever person out there can figure a way to raise money from this display to provide food for people in need in the Bay Area and elsewhere?
The 7- foot- tall monolith is on a hilltop in Corona Heights Park. Of course, Corona.
(Photos: via @RaemondBW)
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