As we prepare to inaugurate President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, we're witnessing the decomposition of unstable demagogue and pathological liar Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump's diseased ego. Every insane claim of massive voter fraud and hints that he may declare martial law to remain in power are clear signs of his psychological deterioration. As psychologist Dr. Alan Blotcky writes in the lead in to his powerful article:
"Donald Trump is totally preoccupied with his existential survival as the walls of reality are closing in on him. He has been repudiated in the election. His psyche cannot comprehend how he could have lost to such an ordinary, mortal man. He is beside himself with embarrassment and humiliation. He is driven by revenge. He wants to settle scores. His thin veneer of greatness and superiority is crumbling away. He is desperate and flailing.
Trump is a psychopath. He has all the defining characteristics in spades: narcissistic, sadistic, antisocial, paranoid. This is malignant psychopathology in the embodiment of our president. He has the kind of personality pathology that should be unacceptable in our top public servant. Trump should have been rooted out in 2016. A psychopath should never have been elected to the highest office in the land. We have been suffering for it ever since: division, tribalism, hostility, racism, xenophobia, terrorism and more." (our emphasis)
The extension of Dr. Blotcky's analysis is that a disgusting and disgraceful 74 million votes were cast for this disturbed would-be autocrat after years of showing us who he was, from his New York City days as a predatory sexual narcissist, to the birther lie he championed, to every despicable thing he's done in the interim. They had an opportunity to right the wrong at the ballot box, and chose to reward him instead. And that's not even touching on the sick, enabling Republicans who would gleefully destroy our Constitutional democracy in service to their cult leader. What Dr. Blotcky calls Trump's "malignant psychopathology" is present evidently in millions of Americans, too.
74 million. I would naturally like to suggest that 74 million have been taken for a ride, and then will be left abandoned along the roadside far from civilization, it's the primary reason I stopped calling his loyal fans Trumpanzees for the more aptly defining term Chumpanzees. Some of them will go through their miserable lives believing to the end he was the Greatest President Ever. The only thing Trump was great at was in creating and maintaining a spectacle. There is a certain type of personality that like spectacles. The whole point of the Roman coliseum was to use the power of imperial Rome to punish the state enemies and entertain the masses. Some Romans would never miss a show, as do some Trump Chumps. Fits Trump and his followers like finely crafted slippers hiding a cleated boot. Eventually if were lucky some of them will realize the boot was made with them in mind...
ReplyDeleteWell said sir. Although chumps don't usually take such delights in the pain of others. But I do agree with the premise. The chief koolaid drinker at work asked me if I saw the drone strike in Nashville. Said no I thought it was an RV. He showed me a video of what looks like a middle Eastern skyline with what he says is a chemtrail going into the heart of the city. Trump is taking out the "NSA" hubs whatever those are. All part of the plan. Brain dead libtards are too ffing stupid to see it right under their noses. Sorry if that was a bit off topic but just an example of the derangement we're up against. And back on topic one thing I've seen with the group I work with is an absolute delight in stories of heartache and loss from Corona. Only libs can catch a fake virus and it's because they want to. But any story of pain and
ReplyDeletesuffering will do. Kids n cages, mass casualty events, etc. this is porn to them same as trump.