Tuesday, December 1, 2020

QOTD -- The Hunt Is On

"After four years of doing rails of primo conspiracy theory off Donald Trump’s feculent ass, the Republican party’s electoral base is rapidly hunting any non-lunatic GOP office holders into extinction. What will be left will reflect the mixture of right wing religious wack jobs, you’re not the boss of me libertarians, new gilded age aspiring plutocrats, proud boy white supremacists, raging misogynist incels, and general free range sociopaths that makes up the bulk of the approximately 74.5 million people who voted to retain Trump as president of the United States.

"Two thirds of the Americans who had the legal right to vote to eject Trump from the office he has befouled every day for the last 1,411 days chose not to do so. One third of this country is sane, one third is insane, and the other third is too indifferent or disaffected to help save the former from the latter." -- Paul Campos at LGM, in a post on a Republican effort in Ohio to impeach Republican Gov. Mike DeWine for trying to save lives in a raging pandemic, and the reality we face in dealing with an insane population that votes.


  1. the mixture of right wing religious wack jobs, you’re not the boss of me libertarians, new gilded age aspiring plutocrats, proud boy white supremacists, raging misogynist incels, and general free range sociopaths

    The wingnut melting pot. Charming. At this point, whatever immigrants we can still get can only be an improvement.

  2. Infidel -- Indeed. Who would want to melt into that pot?
