Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Fascist Mob Comes To DC

Here's the Washington Post's description of the latter day brown shirts who assembled in Washington, D.C., yesterday and roamed the streets looking for a fight with anti-Trump counter protesters:

"Thousands of maskless rallygoers who refuse to accept the results of the election turned downtown Washington into a falsehood-filled spectacle Saturday, two days before the electoral college will make the president’s loss official. [snip]

But at night, the scene became violent. At least four people were stabbed near Harry’s Bar at 11th and F streets NW, a gathering point for the Proud Boys, a male-chauvinist organization with ties to white nationalism.The victims were hospitalized and suffered possibly life-threatening injuries, D.C. fire spokesman Doug Buchanan said. It was not immediately clear with which groups the attackers or the injured might have been affiliated.

The violence escalated after an evening of faceoffs with counterprotesters that took place near Harry’s, Black Lives Matter Plaza, Franklin Square, and other spots around downtown. [snip]

All day, the masses nodded along to falsehoods, prayed for the country and cheered beside one another without masks."  (our emphasis)

A first order of business for the Biden Administration will be to empower Federal law enforcement to investigate the white supremacist and violent Proud Boys, and bring their seditionist leaders to account. They had a four-year unimpeded run under neo-fascist demagogue and Kremlin asset Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump, and now that run needs to end.

BONUS: On one topic, the mob has it right:

(photos from top: Luis Alvarez, AP, Stephanie Keith, Getty/AFP) 


Mart said...

"a male-chauvinist organization with ties to white nationalism"

This can be shortened to: Women hating nazis.

W. Hackwhacker said...

Mart -- correct!