Thursday, December 3, 2020

Trump Lawyer "Cancelled" From DC Club

 Joseph diGenova, the far-right Trump TV "lawyer" and member (for now) of the Elite Strike Force Power Ranger team vacuuming money from the imploding Trump campaign, appears to have some growing problems following his threat to former Cyber official Chris Krebs

As you'll recall, last Sunday, diGenova said Krebs "should be drawn and quartered, taken out at dawn and shot" for having the temerity to say that the election was the most secure in American history, contrary to Trumpist orthodoxy. In reaction, the Gridiron Club, a club restricted primarily to Beltway media and Washington pols and hangers-on, asked diGenova to resign his membership, which he has done, but not without muttering about being "cancelled." Sad!

Worse still for diGenova, Krebs raised the strong possibility of legal action against diGenova for making the threat, so now the tough-talking coward is saying his threat "was sarcastic and made in jest." Two members of Congress are calling for the District of Columbia bar to look into diGenova's actions and to take proper disciplinary action. Perhaps they can "cancel" him, too.

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