Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Twit Tweet, Thwap: Screwy Louie's Last Stand (UPDATED)

As we briefly touched on yesterday, hoping to stage an unconstitutional, fascist coup on behalf of unhinged demagogue and neo-fascist buffoon Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump, the "Dumbest Man In Congress", seditious loony asshat Louie "Screwy Louie" Gohmert sues Lord of the Flies and Trump asskisser Mike "Dense" Pence

Twit tweet:




BONUSWonkette deconstructs.

UPDATE:  According to Gohmert's court filing, the group of seditionists tried to get VP Mike "Dense" Pence on board with their coup, but Pence (through his counsel's office) refused to sign on.

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