We came upon the picture, above, of radical right wing kook and QAnon adherent Rep. Lauren "Bullets" Boebert (R-Crazyland), bottom row center, black t-shirt, and a group of white supremacist bikers from December, 2019 at the Colorado State Capitol. Click on the picture to enlarge it, and note in particular the three thugs at the top right corner flashing the white power hand sign (three fingers forming a "w" for white, thumb and first finger forming a "p" for power). You're known by the company you keep.
We noted yesterday that Bullets Boebert was identified by fellow Congressmen as giving a reconaissance tour to white supremacist Trumpist seditionists before their January 6 assault on the Capitol, a charge that's being investigated. Recall also that Boebert was caught tweeting the whereabouts of Speaker Nancy Pelosi on January 6 as her fellow insurrectionists were stalking the Speaker and soon to be former Vice President Pence in the Capitol. Her most recent outrage was objecting to the magnetometers at the entrances to the House floor to detect weapons of the kind that she likes to ostentatiously tote around like a latter day Calamity Jane.
She needs to face harsh discipline from the House, if not outright expulsion for her reckless, dangerous behavior before, during and after the Capitol riot. If the facts warrant, she should be arrested and charged as well.
(photo: Colorado Times Recorder)
She is stupid and dangerous. I did NOT vote for her. Throw in a loon as well. This is the mindset of rural America. Her opponent was incredibly qualified and intelligent. Can't be having none of that ya see.
ReplyDeleteOne Fly -- She made a first rate ass out of herself right from the start, with her wild west six shooter cosplay. Can't wait to see her ride off into the sunset.
ReplyDeleteIf she's riding off into the sunset on a horse, it'll be like looking at two horses asses riding off into the sunset.
ReplyDeletewestcoastman -- exactly so!