Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mid-Week Song: Irish Eyes

Irish eyes, and other eyes, are smiling today. Savor it.



  1. It was a lovely day. I alternated between smiling eyes and teary ones because it was an emotional day, mixed up with optimism and relief and a sprinkling of hope. I caught a shot of the White House and for the first time in years, I didn't feel immediate revulsion, only relief. I look forward to the new Biden administration as he tries, with much help, to get this country back on track. We have many battles to fight and it won't be easy, but thank god we're in good hands.

    Fingers crossed for our future!

  2. donnah -- You've put it so well, and captured the feelings we had along with so many others here and around the world. There's a major sense of relief in seeing President Biden and VP Harris take charge, and know that they will do the right thing.

  3. Looks like they've already accomplished more in one day than donaldovitch
    did in four miserable years.

  4. westcoastman -- And they're just beginning.
