Friday, January 29, 2021

QOTD: The Republicans' Bad Bargain

Karen Tumulty, writing in the Washington Post: 

"Donald Trump has departed Washington, but he has left behind a new set of rules for Republicans. One of them is that words and deeds, no matter how reckless or disconnected from the truth, carry no consequences.

Which is how the party wound up with Marjorie Taylor Greene, a dangerous loon whom the voters of Georgia’s 14th Congressional District decided to send to the U.S. House.

Before she was elected last year, QAnon devotee Greene made a name for herself by spreading bonkers conspiracy theories, including that the school shooting tragedies in Newtown, Conn., and Parkland, Fla., were staged. [snip]

All of this has provoked House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to let it be known through a spokesman that he finds her comments “deeply disturbing" and that he “plans to have a conversation with the congresswoman about them.” [snip]

But barely three weeks after being sworn in for her first term, Greene was rewarded by McCarthy with a seat on the House Education and Labor Committee. Her assignment to a panel that gives her a role in shaping federal policy with regard to schools is “appalling, really beyond the pale,” Pelosi said Thursday.

Except the sad thing is, the Republican embrace of people like Greene and its tolerance of what she represents show the party no longer recognizes a line between what is and isn’t acceptable. They have made their bargain, and now they are stuck with it."  (our emphasis)

We noted yesterday that California Rep. Jimmy Gomez has announced his intention to introduce a resolution of expulsion for crackpot Greene, which requires a two-thirds majority and which will inevitably meet with almost universal Rethuglican resistance. She's the "bargain" the Republicans have given us.

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