Monday, January 25, 2021

Today's Tomorrow Cartoon: Same Old Same Old

 (click to enlarge)

Same as Republicans ever were: elections they lose don't matter, unity only counts when they win, and forget that little matter of our deadly insurrection a few weeks ago. Don't be divisive and let us set the agenda!

You can support Tom Tomorrow's work here if you can.


  1. Ohio resident here, happy to see the cowardly Rob Portman retire. I've sent him many an email over the years, begging him to stand up against Trump, but he seldom did. He's not an evil man, like Gym Jordan, but he kowtowed to Trump and the rightwing religious nuts we have so many of here in Ohio. Sherrod Brown has been our gold standard for Senators.

    As a replacement, I'd like to see Rep Tim Ryan run, or even more so, our former Dayton mayor, Nan Whaley. She's been a great Mayor and she's young, progressive, and a solid Dem. She may not win against more familiar candidates now, but I see her making inroads in the future.

  2. donnah -- Yes, either Tim Ryan or Nan Whaley would be great alternatives and make excellent Senators. Hopefully, Ohioans can do for their state in 2022 what Georgians did this year for the Senate.

  3. Exactly. Imaging two Dems in Ohio is crazy, but a girl can dream!
