Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire: Lying Sen. Ron Johnson

The Senate's biggest ignoramus and Wisconsin's shame Sen. Ron "Tiny" Johnson has opined on the violent, Trump-instigated insurrectionist riot on January 6, and he says he didn't see it the way the vast majority of Americans saw it. In an interview with WISN-AM in Milwaukee, Johnson had this head spinning, gas lighting statement that he dug out of his nether regions:

“When you hear the word ‘armed,’ don’t you think of firearms?” Johnson said. “Here’s the questions I would have liked to ask — how many firearms were confiscated? How many shots were fired? I’m only aware of one, and I’ll defend that law enforcement officer for taking that shot. It was a tragedy, but I think there was only one. If that was a planned armed insurrection, man, you had really a bunch of idiots.”

In the first place, Johnson calling others "idiots" is supreme pot-meet-kettle. Leaving that aside, law enforcement confiscated an array of firearms and other weapons before and during the insurrection, including an AR-15, a shotgun, a Glock 9mm with extended magazine, a Tavor X95 assault rifle, knives, machetes, and a 950,000 volt stun gun/walking stick. Also, as the colleagues and family of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick and the 140 wounded Capitol and Metropolitan DC police can tell you, clubs, bats, metal poles, chemical spray, brass knuckles and a metal fire extinguisher can inflict serious and deadly injury. Johnson's attempt at downplaying the white supremacist riot was awarded a "Pants on Fire" rating by the fact checking PolitiFact. There's more here, here, and here.

Johnson, who's also Russia's favorite Senator for disseminating their anti-American propaganda, is up for re-election in 2022, but hasn't declared his candidacy. We hope if he does run that Wisconsinites recognize him for what he is -- a weak-minded, lying, authoritarian, boot licking Trump cultist -- and send him into ignominious retirement.

(photo: If his lips are moving, Tiny Johnson's lying)


  1. As a resident of the Badger state, I can tell you we have plethora of good solid can do rethuglicans. Ron is our Aaron Rodgers to be sure, but There's Tom Tiffany, Brian Steil, (heir to the great Paul Ryan) Glenn Grothman ( my pop in law's favorite because, umm Jesus) Scott Fitzgerald, if you're ever in our fair state, try the cheese curds. And turn on WISN radio 1130 AM. Where you'll get some trump luvin truth. And don't forget we're also home. to Mr Golly shucks aww gee himself Scott Walker.

  2. seafury -- What a lineup! It's a pity old Tailgunner Joe McCarthy can't be disinterred to join them. We have some roots in the Badger state, so we keep wondering WTF happened.
