Tuesday, February 16, 2021

"MAGA Movement": Racist, Sexist, Nativist -- Surprise!


Rachel Blum (University of Oklahoma) and Christopher Sebastian Parker (University of Washington) conducted a "Panel Study of the MAGA Movement", a survey gauging opinions of supporters of Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump both before and after the January 6 insurrection.  The results should be absolutely no surprise to anyone, except those who may still be clinging to an "economic anxiety" explanation for this ugly phenomenon.  Here are five key charts from the study (click on images to enlarge):

There's much more at the link on MAGA morons' views of the insurrection, MAGA demographics, views on the pandemic, etc.  It confirms that there is a significant  anti- democratic/ authoritarian/ fascistic underbelly in this country whose paladin is Trump and who won't disappear with his defeat and disgrace. We don't think any more Cletus safaris or data is needed at this point to tell us who the enemies of American democracy are. (h/t LGM)



  1. I love how when talking about poverty almost no white person in this country thinks it applies to white people, who account for about 50% of poor folks.

  2. Mart -- I think they sometimes equate "poverty" with "welfare", which, of course only the shiftless blahs are on!
