Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Financial Cost Of Trump's "Big Lie"


The devastating cost to America from unhinged demagogue and lying seditionist Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump has been the undermining of trust in our democratic elections and faith in our Government. Trump's cult refuses to live in a common reality as the rest of us, and their beliefs in lunatic conspiracies only fuels their civic insanity. Trump's "Big Lie" about an election stolen through voter fraud has cost lives and caused physical and emotional traumas, particularly in the January 6 violent insurrection at the Capitol that he instigated.

The Washington Post has tallied up the financial costs of the "Big Lie" and it's staggering: $519 million and still counting. The article sums up the major elements of the total cost:

"The costs have mounted daily as government agencies at all levels have been forced to devote public funds to respond to actions taken by Trump and his supporters, according to a Washington Post review of local, state and federal spending records, as well as interviews with government officials. The expenditures include legal fees prompted by dozens of fruitless lawsuits, enhanced security in response to death threats against poll workers, and costly repairs needed after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. That attack triggered the expensive massing of thousands of National Guard troops on the streets of Washington amid fears of additional extremist violence.

Although more than $480 million of the total is attributable to the military’s estimated expenses for the troop deployment through mid-March, the financial impact of the president’s refusal to concede the election is probably much higher than what has been documented thus far, and the true costs may never be known."  (our emphasis)

Costs to State and local governments for added security at their state capitols following Trump cult threats and their costs related to legal defenses of their voting systems adds up to over $30 million at least. That's added overtime for police, emergency personnel and mobilized State police and National Guard.

Would that it were possible for the bill, when it's finalized, to be given to Trump for payment or forfeiture of his declining assets. It won't happen, and the bill will be paid by us as taxpayers. Think of what good that money would have done in the midst of the pandemic and economic crisis. 

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