Thursday, March 25, 2021

Biden's First Press Conference Today


President Biden will hold his first formal press conference today at 1:15 PM EDT, and it's going to be at least as much a test of the media as it will be of the president.  In that vein, we linked to Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan's op/ ed yesterday, but it's worth repeating an excerpt that says what shouldn't happen today (but likely will):

There’s never a shortage of bluster at a televised White House briefing, but this week, it will almost inevitably center on the heated subject of immigration at the Texas border, where a legitimate crisis has been taking shape as thousands of children have crossed into the United States seeking asylum.

So far, our political press corps has been treating the issue with far more heat than light. This past weekend, ABC News relocated its “Powerhouse Roundtable” — the panel discussion segment of its Sunday morning news show — to the Texas border. It was hard to say just what that accomplished other than declaring the subject Extremely Important.

Or witness the framing that NBC’s “Meet the Press” gave its coverage of the border situation — “a political crisis for the new president, with no easy way out,” Chuck Todd declared in his most serious voice.  [snip]

Political reporters cover the president, and as knowledgeable and talented as they may be, they lack the expertise of science or health journalists — or in this case, longtime immigration reporters — who can best respond to what’s being said, which includes knowing how to challenge it with deep knowledge.

Instead of insight into the crisis, you get the political frame: How will it play with elected officials and their constituents? How will Trump’s allies play this story? What will Tucker Carlson have to say?

For the White House press corps, there’s also a temptation to play to the crowd. Every TV reporter has to be thinking about the 10-second clip of their question that might be used on Thursday’s newscast, establishing them as the star du jour who bravely challenged the president.

She concludes,

What it shouldn’t turn into, though, is a performative exercise in equating two administrations, just to show how tough we are.

We think all of this is a high bar for the Beltway media to hit.  They have a self-image as truth tellers and diggers of facts, though in reality they often operate as a less- than- knowledgeable herd -- reacting en masse to a narrative that's often spoon- fed to them by "sources" like Republican staffers or, more blatantly, by what Fox "News" is bleating at the moment.  They were slow to react to the former guy's authoritarianism and lies, and doubtless think pouncing on Biden will rehabilitate their self- image.

 But, this is the reality of their coverage on the "border crisis/ surge":


Let's watch today and see if anything has changed.



  1. How hard is it for an elite reporters' intern to Google border crossings? The spring surge in 2019 was bigger. Bush #2 consistently had much higher numbers. Recently the main difference is majority crossing are no longer Mexican. The crises is how to quickly transform the systems to treat these folks humanely and legally. The story should be what makes folks so desperate that they send their children to the border unaccompanied, and what can we do to help these nations.

  2. Mart -- exactly right. The Occam's razor explanation is, of course, the need to gin up a crisis in order to pump up sagging readership and clicks. We're a little over 2 months into this administration, which was left with a broken immigration policy/system, and the Beltway sharks are eager for blood (not to mention the Trumpy Border Patrol, which is doing its passive/aggressive best to make the administration look bad).

  3. The lack of knowledge that the press exhibits is a charade. They are fully aware that they are offering up the turds when they do it. They just see it as part of the job.

    You can see it now and again when they let their guard down - they are totally in on the joke.

    For the journalists that are not obvious partisans, I imagine that they justify it all by saying that they are just reporting on the "politics of the situation" - like some sort of bullshit self-appointed umpire. This gives them a get-out-of-jail-free card and allows them to feign ignorance of obvious facts and to gaslight the scene with the same impunity that the politicians they cover do.
