Right on cue, likely to distract from his disastrous handling of the Texas' electric grid and water supply failure, incompetent and corrupt Texas Governor Greg ''Yabbadabba" Abbott (Secession-TX) announced that he was reopening the State's businesses "100%" and cancelling the State's mask mandate. His premature and reckless act has nothing to do with public health and safety and everything to do with currying favor with right wing Trumpers who have long bridled at restrictions imposed to fight the pandemic. Fittingly, he made his announcement to boosters at the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce who were mostly without masks and packed into a conference room.
Local leaders in Texas criticized Abbott's decision, including the Republican Mayor of Fort Worth Betsy Price:
"Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price, a fellow Republican, called Abbott’s order 'premature' and asked him to allow more people to get the vaccine.
'I am calling on Gov. Abbott to open up additional vaccine tier categories so that more people are eligible to get a vaccine if they want one,' Price said in a statement. 'As the state’s directive has changed, so must our response. Now, more than ever, vaccines and testing must be readily available.'”
Businesses in Texas who don't want to become COVID-19 superspreader sites thanks to Abbott's action are reacting skeptically here and here. More importantly, health experts in Texas are calling out Abbott for his reckless move, here, here and here for example. Of course, when infections, hospitalizations and deaths rise over the next few weeks, the deceitful Abbott will find someone else to blame (Green New Deal? AOC?).
Abbott didn't learn from last summer's premature "reopening" of business and facilities in Texas. Instead of flattening the curve of infections, his decision led to new infections, new hospitalizations and unnecessary deaths. As then, it's all on him.
(photo: Abbott pondering how to screw things up more. Bob Daemmrich for Nexstar)
Silly Rabbit!
ReplyDeleteIt will be Joe Biden's problem for screwing up the vaccine distribution, which was all set to go and was the most amazing thing Trump ever did.
Joe is gonna kill a lot of Texans.
Probably because Joe will send all the vaccines to the Democrat-Run cities, Antifa and NAMBLA. (Democrats who live in Texas cities are not real Texans, FYI)
North of 44,000 Texans have died because of Covid-19. Just as hospitals everywhere were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, it turns out that the light in Texan tunnels is an oncoming Covid train. By comparison, here in Oregon we have lost a little over 2,000 citizens, and the infection rate is in deep decline. Why you ask? Because the governor here believes in science, and the citizens responded to the crisis by wearing masks, and social distancing. Fairly simple and effective. Would help if Abbott would lose his freedumb goggles for a bit...
ReplyDeleteTo be fair TX has 29M folks vs. OR's 4.22. so you have the equivalent of 14K Covid deaths vs. TX's 44K. Less then a third of the TX death rate. Pretty damn good.
Deletebt1138 -- You know that's the Rethuglican . Trumpist plan. The more they screw it up, the more they blame Dems.
ReplyDeleteJimmy T -- It's too much to expect Texas Rethuglicans to do the right thing. So many died, and will die, because of their warped ideology and greed.