Tuesday, March 30, 2021

National Doctors' Day 2021


Now that we're past the one year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's good to remember not only the more than half a million deaths but the health care professionals who spent exhausting weeks and months in ICUs treating a never ending stream of patients. Many sacrificed their own lives to save their patients. It was a crushing and lonely job that continues to this day with hospitalizations increasing. 

Today is National Doctors' Day in the U.S., and you should consider sending your doctor an email or card thanking him or her for their invaluable humanitarian efforts and day-to-day work. Also, mark May 6 on your calendars for National Nurses' Day, nurses whose work this past year was nothing short of selflessly heroic.


  1. Thanks for the heads up. Republican leadership has shown no respect for the front line heroes sacrifice or safety. Open up the economy who cares if a few olds die - is a hell of a way to manage a pandemic.

  2. Mart -- you're welcome, and you're right!
