Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Of Books, Burgers and Bullshit: Republicans Unleashed


Demonstrating once again that they're out of ideas and arguments, the Republican political-media conglomerate wants to keep their mouth breathing base in a perpetual uproar to distract from their hollow party. First, it was absurdly Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head presented as victims in their culture war. In the past few days, it's been false stories about President Biden planning to limit meat consumption and Vice President Harris' book being part of a "welcome" package to immigrant kids.

The burger deprivation story was spun up by right-wing media from an innocuous study at the University of Michigan that indicated hypothetically that greenhouse gasses could be dramatically cut by reducing red meat consumption. The wingnut Wurlitzer concocted the story that it was part of Biden's climate change plan, and the Rethug political establishment ran with it, notably Texas Gov. and its electric grid destroyer Greg "Yabbadabba" Abbott.

Next, the sleazy far-right Rupert Murdoch tabloid and birdcage liner New York Post made up a tale that Vice President Harris' inspirational children's book was being given to each immigrant child (presumably at tax payer expense) when in fact a single copy may have been donated as a result of a private book drive in Long Beach, CA. The "reporter" from the New York Post has resigned over the fraud, claiming that (surprise!) she was directed to write the false story by her newspaper's management.

The culture war / smear campaign will go on with a vengeance, especially because the right-wing has nothing but "no" to offer the American people, and the Dems do have something to offer. The distraction of hamburgers, children's books and conspiracy theories is all they have to keep their angry and seditious base from seeing the "no" at the heart of their party.

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