Thursday, April 29, 2021

QOTD -- R.I.P. Reaganomics


From President Biden's address to Congress last night:

20 million Americans lost their jobs in the pandemic – working- and middle-class Americans. 

At the same time, the roughly 650 Billionaires in America saw their net worth increase by more than $1 Trillion.  

Let me say that again. 

Just 650 people increased their wealth by more than $1 Trillion during this pandemic. 

They are now worth more than $4 Trillion. 

My fellow Americans, trickle-down economics has  
never worked. 

It’s time to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle-out.

The destructive Reagan/ Republican fantasy of "trickle down economics" has largely only benefited the wealthy and corporations (i.e., the Republican donor class).  For the first time we can remember, if ever, a President of the United States has spoken plainly and truthfully about the income inequality and the drag on the economy that this has engendered.  Democrats are defining themselves again in the best possible terms, in contrast to the GQP.

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