Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Report: QAnon Weaponized By Russia, China (And Others)

Surprise, surprise:

Foreign adversaries like Russia and China "weaponized" QAnon messaging to sow further discord among the American population in the months leading up to, and following, the January 6 attack, according to a new report released Monday that details how these countries are not only utilizing the same false narratives to peddle disinformation on social media, but also fueling a conspiracy theory that could incite more violence by domestic extremists.

The findings, which are detailed in a report produced by the Soufan Center, suggest "that foreign states are utilizing the QAnon conspiracy theory to sow societal discord and even compromise legitimate political processes," the independent non-profit group, which is focused on global security, said in a press release. [snip]
While the QAnon movement is widely believed to have originated within the US, the report notes that these foreign actors were incredibly active in pushing the conspiracy theory in late 2020 and during the first two months of this year.
"In both 2020 and for the first two months of 2021, almost one-fifth of all QAnon posts on Facebook originated from administrators overseas," the report states.
While the report found that Russian actors were behind the majority of this activity last year, it says China emerged as "the primary foreign actor touting QAnon-narratives online" in 2021, timing that coincides with Beijing's ramp up of disinformation efforts targeting the US more broadly. 
But they weren't the only ones stirring up trouble:
"Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran also contribute to amplifying the QAnon conspiracy theory online to reach a broader audience," the report adds. "Such activity blurs the line between domestic and foreign disinformation, representing a significant challenge for the U.S. government and international action." 
Our "ally" Saudi Arabia, acting in concert with our adversaries?   Land of Crown Prince Bone Saw?  One of the most repressive, murderous regimes in the world that we still support?  The one that had Trump and Little Prince Jared eating out of its hand? ... Oh, right, that makes sense.
There is a "cognitive opening among the US population that can be manipulated by violent extremist groups and recruiters in support of the QAnon movement," it adds, noting that foreign actors are also seeking to capitalize on this vulnerability as well.
"These findings suggests the QAnon conspiracy theory has the potential to serve as a force multiplier for domestic violent extremism (DVE), including racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists (REMVEs) who are already seeking to recruit them into their ranks," it says. 
In short, we've provided plenty of rope (unregulated social media, the vast right- wing media echo chamber, and the extremism- norming "mainstream media") with which to hang ourselves.  That our worst enemies are taking advantage of a "cognitive opening" among the QAnon/ MAGA crowd should come as no surprise.  What is a surprise is that it seems that so many have taken their eye off the existential menace this all represents -- just a little over 100 days since January 6, 2021.

(Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images, Getty Images (3))

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