Sunday, April 18, 2021

Republican Fratricide: Cajun Coup Edition


A previously under-the-radar feud among Republican politicos in Louisiana broke into the open yesterday when Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser accused a collection of even further right- wing Republicans of getting the FBI to open an investigation of him to sabotage him politically. What makes this the more interesting is that Louisiana's fake populist Oxford University grad and dispenser of good ol' boy witticisms, Sen. John "Cornpone" Kennedy, is involved in the Cajun Coup, along with Nungesser's rival for the Governor's race in 2023, Attorney General Jeff Landry.

Speaking to the Republican State Central Committee in Baton Rouge, Nungesser blasted fellow Rethugs for wanting to close the primary in Louisiana -- a key issue -- which he said would produce unelectable extreme right-wing candidates for the general election. The initiative to close their primary is spearheaded by a group called the "Louisiana Committee for a Conservative Majority," which is run by Kennedy and Landry. As far as the FBI investigation into his office:

"In an interview afterward, Nungesser also said his office is being probed by the FBI -- apparently over grants made by his office -- an investigation he claims was ignited by fellow Republicans who see him as a rival."

We're always happy to see Republicans form a circular firing squad, especially when it involves an investigation by the FBI. As they say in Louisisna, "laissez les bon temps rouler!"

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