The Republican bad faith evergreen endgame --
One dynamic very easy to foresee is that the GOP Caucus will unanimously (or nearly) oppose every significant Biden legislative initiative, as they did under Obama, no matter its merits. Negotiations are important but the GOP endgame is clear. /1
— Lawrence Glickman (@LarryGlickman) April 14, 2021
Lightweight Nikki Haley, Presidential timber in her own mind --
“I’m the right person for the job. Unless the guy who was impeached twice, failed to get reelected, never read his intelligence briefings, tried to overthrow our democracy, and now faces multiple criminal and civil lawsuits runs again, in which case I’m totally behind him.”
— Windsor Mann (@WindsorMann) April 13, 2021
Now walk the walk --
Ads in NYT & WaPo, while commendable, will not stop voter suppression in TX AZ MI etc. Opposing specific bills & cutting off funding for Rs sponsoring them might
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) April 14, 2021
Shouldn't speak ill of the dead; making an exception here --
Dude stole Elie Wiesel's life savings. Elie Wiesel.
— Jane Coaston (@janecoaston) April 14, 2021
Kindness towards a child --
Kindness towards a child would seem to be a baseline indicator of civility and grace but, nonetheless, there it was, in front of god and the world.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) April 13, 2021
Hi-yo, Tippy Toes, away! --
Not the horse to ride for a quick getaway. 😳😏😂
— Fred Schultz (@fred035schultz) April 14, 2021
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