Friday, May 21, 2021

Biden Signs Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill


The outbreak of anti-Asian hate crimes over the past few months has shocked decent Americans who value the contributions and patriotism of their Asian-American neighbors and extended families. Brutal assaults of, particularly, elderly Asian-American women have been caught on tape, and illustrate the impact of misinformation and outright slander of their community as a product of the previous regime's botching of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The racism spewing from the "former guy" at his rallies, where he used slurs like "Kung Flu" to describe COVID-19, put a target on their backs as they went about their daily lives.

Yesterday in a White House ceremony, President Biden signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, following its overwhelming passage earlier by the House (364 - 62) and the Senate (94 - 1), saying, "Silence is complicity. And we cannot be complicit. We have to speak out. We have to act."

You may have noticed in the vote count above for the Senate the one lonely vote cast against the hate crimes bill. That would be insurrectionist / seditionist Sen. Josh "Haw Haw" Hawley (Trumpist - MO), whose towering ambition is surpassed only by his cynical dishonesty. VoteVets has produced this ad that captures the dangerous nature of whom they call "Hate Crime Hawley".

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