Monday, May 3, 2021

COVID-19 Aid Flows To A Desperate India


The photo above shows the inside of a cargo plane in Doha, Qatar being loaded with tons of medical supplies bound for India.

India reported 368,000 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours (a number which is almost certainly low), and a death count of 219.000, still less than half of the deaths in the U.S. but climbing faster.

Nations and private organizations are rushing medical supplies including oxygen concentrators, vaccines, ventilators, and PPE to India in hopes to save as many lives as possible as India suffers it's worst week since the beginning of the pandemic.

As we experienced here, India's failed political leadership avoided hard decisions that could have stemmed the spread. Prime Minister Modi, who was trying to run a political campaign in the midst of a pandemic, took his cues from the "former guy" here apparently and just lost a key election in the populous state of West Bengal. Modi has been disregarding public health officials and holding massive rallies with no social distancing and sporadic mask wearing (sound familiar?), and has encouraged mass Hindu religious celebrations that surely stimulated outbreaks of the virus.

(photo: Karim Jaafar / AFP / Getty Images)

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