Monday, May 3, 2021

No "Kumbaya" While Republicans Spread Big Lie


As we noted in third item in the post below, many mainstream "journalists" are "moving on" from the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, looking the other way as Republican pols gaslight and perpetuate the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen. CNN's Pamela Brown appears willing to break from the pack, as she demonstrated yesterday on her program, following an interview she had the previous day with Trumpist Sen. Roger Marshall (Sedition-KS) who urged everyone to "move on" and "heal" after January 6:

"We would all love to heal and move on from this shameful episode of our country, but here's the thing, the reality is Republicans and their followers have not moved on from the election. Case in point, the officials who enabled it or are complicit with their silence should be held accountable. In Arizona, as you see in this video right here, Republicans are still trying to overturn the 2020 results and fuel paranoia with a partisan audit of ballots after two prior audits already found no issues and only confirmed the results — the fact that Trump lost that state. Well, this year, Republicans in almost every single state legislature have introduced new voting restrictions. And they're using lies like 'rampant voter fraud' to justify the measures. [snip]

The same GOP propaganda that led to a deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol, as you see, it has not gone away. That's why I challenge every single Republican I have on the show who voted to overturn the election. They don't get to have everybody sing kumbaya until they stop repeating the same baseless claim that caused this."  (our emphasis)

More of this and more often....everywhere.


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