Thursday, May 27, 2021

PAC Formed To Defeat The "Treason Caucus"


A newly-formed political action committee, Never Again, aims to take down as many of the 147 treasonous Republican pols who voted to reject the results of the 2020 election. Calling them "the Treason Caucus", Never Again states on its website:

"The simple fact remains that the Republican Party has time and time again proven themselves to be unfaithful stewards of our most cherished and previously inviolable democratic principles. It is time to respond more aggressively. Never Again PAC would operate on a simple principle: Members of Congress who destabilize American democracy need to be voted out from positions of power, and we can start by holding these dangerous elected officials accountable in the off-years."

They're looking to raise at least $4 million to target the most vulnerable of those 147 treasonous Trumpers. Go to their link here to donate.

Check out their new video. 


  1. From the original German---"Niemals Wieder" or "Never Again" in English. Seems like we may be approaching another sad inflection point in world history. Will enough good people stand up and reject "Faschismus?" It remains to be seen...

  2. Jimmy -- agree. Taking the threat with the seriousness that it deserves is the first step.
