Thursday, May 13, 2021

QOTD -- Fatigue Is Not An Excuse


"Defcon 1 became our political default, and they wore down our anxieties about the danger. We are human beings; our panic can’t be permanent. Our minds and bodies simply aren’t meant to sustain it.

"But here we are again facing another very real threat to our democracy, and it would be a shame if we were so weary of Donald Trump and his supporters’ attacks on the pillars of this country that we dismissed warnings about what it all means, as with all others that preceded it. [snip]

"The Republican Party as it is now positioned is no longer simply a part of our political system; it is a threat to our political system. The party has converted itself into the enemy within.

"The question is whether we’re too tired from the Trump years to see what is happening and mount an actual defense." -- Charles Blow in his New York Times op/ ed "Fatigue Is A Luxury You Can't Afford." Fealty to an incompetent, widely unpopular, fascistic blogger in Florida is a hell of a drug.

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