Thursday, May 27, 2021

Republicans Dread The Loser's Upcoming "Rallies"

This never gets old. Republican pols terrified of offending the twice impeached, twice loser of the popular vote, loser of the House, Senate and White House, and one-term in office Donald "Loser" Trump are fearing his Nuremberg "rallies" this summer, but won't speak for attribution. They're worried that Dear Leader's rallies will undermine their 2022 mid-term election chances, as reported here:

"Even as they tee off against Twitter and Facebook for banning Trump, GOP lawmakers are privately relieved he no longer has those megaphones. But the resumption of rallies gives Trump a new platform to spout conspiracy theories about the election and air his grievances — at the same time most Republicans are desperate to move on and talk about the Biden agenda.

'If we win the majority back in 17 months, it’s going to be in spite of Trump — not because of Trump,' said one senior House Republican aide for a lawmaker considered one of Trump’s top supporters on Capitol Hill. 'He will totally take credit if we win the House back — but it won’t be because of him. This guy is a disaster.'" (our emphasis)

They're trapped by their servile kowtowing to the Loser and his cult, choosing to speak anonymously for fear of his blog posts, since he's been banned from Twitter and Facebook for his incendiary lies. If the assessment by this Republican aide is accurate, and his rallies sink their 2022 chances in the House and Senate, then may the Loser's rallies continue on unchecked, particularly if he's under indictment for multiple felonies at that point.

BONUS: Vanity Fair's take here.

(photo: The Loser's determined to continue his losing streak)

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