Sunday, June 27, 2021

Barr: Trump Election Fraud Claims "Just Bullshit"

The Atlantic (subscription required) has an interview of Trump's Roy Cohn and former Attorney General Bill Barr that goes into a bit more detail about his conversation with his deranged and corrupt autocratic boss Donald "Loser" Trump. Slate has a rundown:

'My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time,' Barr said in the piece published in the Atlantic under the headline 'William Barr Speaks.' 'If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullshit.'

Barr said he was long suspicious of the then-president’s fraud claims in part because he expected Biden to win the election. But he still allowed prosecutors to investigate allegations of irregularities, and also opened up his own unofficial investigation into the claims. But not because he believed them, he insists, but rather to be able to better counter the claims. On the oft-repeated allegations of rigged voting machines, for example, Barr said that “we realized from the beginning it was just bullshit.”  (our emphasis)

The interview also reveals the scheming between Barr and corrupt hack Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell to keep a lid on so that they could retain the Georgia Senate seats.

When Barr confronted Trump in early December 2020, the conversation went about how you'd expect with a malignant, delusional narcissist to whom cheating is a way of life:

"Trump was livid. 'How the fuck could you do this to me? Why did you say it?' Trump asked. Barr said he was only telling the truth. 'You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump,' the then-president said. 

"You're damn right I do" Barr didn't reply. Isn't it pure Trump to refer to himself in the third person, too? Bill Barr's sure-to-fail rehabilitation tour continues. 

(photo: Feel the love and respect. Andrew Harnik / AP)


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