Today, President Biden is announcing new efforts to stem the epidemic of gun violence, which is producing a mass shooting nearly every day in the U.S. According to a White House fact sheet:
"- Stem the flow of firearms used to commit violence, including by holding rogue firearms dealers accountable for violating federal laws;
- Support local law enforcement with federal tools and resources to help address summer violent crime;
- Invest in evidence-based community violence interventions;
- Expanding summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and supports for teenagers and young adults; and
- Help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities."
Biden will announce a "zero tolerance policy" on gun dealers that violate Federal firearms laws, including revocation of their licenses on the first offense. Last month, Biden launched a crack down on "ghost guns" -- guns assembled at home from kits -- that lack serial numbers for tracing by law enforcement, while Congressional Democrats have passed two bills that expand background checks for gun purchases and provide additional time for Federal vetting of purchases by individuals flagged for concerns. Corrupt and cynical hack Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell (Insurrection-KY) has blocked the bills in the Senate, despite universal background checks being widely popular, as polls have shown. It's another example of why the Jim Crow filibuster rule has to go.
(photo: Spencer Platt, Getty Images)
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