Sunday, June 6, 2021

Does "Former Guy" Need A Diaper Change?

Yesterday, malignant narcissist and mentally unstable sociopath Donald "Loser" Trump spoke to the North Carolina Republican Convention, spouting his usual lies and his greatest grievance hits. He was also looking a bit, shall we say, low-energy, rumpled and dank. You be the judge:

Zooming in:

Ewwww. Sorry.

Are those culottes he's sporting? And is that some seepage there causing the deep wrinkles? At the very least he needs to get his suits dry cleaned more than once every 6 months.

Meanwhile, others are speculating that he had his pants on backwards:


  1. Just my 2cents & that's overpriced. I believe these might be pull ons. He's probably needing more changes anymore & that would be easy for his aides. I don't believe he dresses himself. As far as the BADLY wrinkled pants, he more than likely sleeps in these ALOT. Alot of naps, driving around in the limo, etc.

  2. I say he is trying to lay ground work for a diminished capacity plea to stay out of court and jail.
    Just like one of his hero's vincent Gigante (?) NY's own mafia diaper don.

  3. F.M. & anynameleft -- Both good takes. The "diminished capacity" defense is especially interesting, as in "he's suffering from dementia and can't appear in court to answer the charges."

  4. I like the "diminished capacity" take as well. I'm not too sure he will be totally faking it. Just look back over some of his actions, speeches. Since his father, I read, suffered from Alzheimers, maybe ????? It's suppose to be hereditary. And his "people" will help 'grease the wheels'!!! The voter fraud campaign didn't pan out, sooo ...........
    The future is going to be verrry interesting.
