Wednesday, June 9, 2021



"The reluctance to prosecute presidents is deep-rooted, and extreme caution does make sense. (The last thing that the country needs is for Trump to be charged, tried, and then acquitted.) But it cannot be the case that there is no line — no hypothetical act of presidential criminality that would not rise to the level of seriousness that merits setting aside our qualms. And if one accepts that there is a line, it’s hard to imagine Donald Trump didn’t cross it. The events of Jan. 6, and those that led up to them, were an extreme abuse of power that few ever imagined a president would commit. A commander in chief tried his very best to subvert democracy. He attacked his own country. Five people died. Allowing him to go unpunished would set a far more dangerous precedent than having Trump stand trial. To reform the presidency so that the last four years are never repeated, the country must go beyond passing laws: It must make clear through its actions that no person, not even the president, is above them." Boston Globe editorial concluding its case for the Justice Department to prosecute the former guy.  Will this ever happen?  Spoiler alert:  if the DOJ can't see itself clear to stop defending the former guy in his rape defamation lawsuit or in blocking release of former AG Barr's duplicitous memo clearing the former guy of obstruction, it sure as hell in high heels won't ever go this far.  In a just, parallel universe, perhaps.

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