Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Pillow Head: Trump "Reinstatement" On August 13

Mike Lindell, the half-baked former crack addict pillow company CEO, has been spreading Trump's Big Lie at every opportunity, even creating a ridiculous pod cast for that purpose. Dominion Voting Systems has sued the raving Lindell for $1.3 billion for lying about their machines switching ballots from Trump to Biden, etc., but that hasn't zipped his foaming mouth. He's a seriously delusional Christofascist who believes the former guy was ordained by Gawd A'mighty to be President.

One of his beliefs is that the former guy will be "reinstated" in the White House, and he just narrowed it down to August 13 as the second coming of his golden calf, even though that's lunacy:

"Speaking to Brannon Howse on the conservative WVW Broadcast Network on Sunday, Lindell said that by that date Trump's reinstatement would 'be the talk of the world.' 

'Donald Trump won,' he claimed. 'I mean, it's pretty simple, OK?'  [snip]

'The morning of August 13 it'll be the talk of the world, going, 'Hurry up! Let's get this election pulled down, let's right the right, let's get these communists out, you know, that have taken over,' Lindell said."

Like all unhinged "prophets" who predict dates for occurrences that never happen, Lindell will have some 'splainin' to do to his fellow cultists when August 13 comes and goes and Dear Leader hasn't descended from Merde O' Lardo to re-take the White House. Incidentally, check out the hot mess of a diagram below that Lindell apparently uses on his deranged tours to explain the "resinstatement", complete with random names (JFK Jr.) and Bible verses (click to enlarge):

"Beautiful mind" it ain't, but it all seems to make sense in the deluded mind of Mike Lindell. 

(photo: Lindell and his cult leader. White House photo)

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