Yesterday in Arizona, the malicious and seditious demagogue pushing the "Big Lie", Donald "Loser" Trump, spent roughly an hour and a half spewing lies and petty grievances at his cult audience. The Associated Press fact checked two examples of the demonstrable lies he told to the gullible:
TRUMP: “Unbelievably, the auditors have testified that the master database for the election management system, I’m sorry to tell you, has been deleted.... Meaning the main database for all of the election-related data in Maricopa for 2020 has been illegally erased. It’s been erased.”
THE FACTS: Wholly false. The database was never deleted.
At first, auditors hired by Republican state senators sympathetic to Trump reported that a database directory was deleted from an election management server. The official Twitter account tied to the audit said the deletion amounted to “spoliation of evidence'....." [snip]
TRUMP: “There were 18,000 people who voted in Arizona in 2020 who were then purged from the rolls immediately after the election.”
THE FACTS: This didn’t happen. His insinuation that people were stricken from the rolls because they voted for him is baseless.
Actually, 13,320 voters were removed from the rolls in the two months after the election, not 18,000 right away, and there were routine reasons why.
Voting rolls are updated constantly as people move, die, get convicted of felonies or have their voting rights revoked because of incapacitation. Trump was repeating a claim made by Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas, the inexperienced firm leading the state Senate Republicans’ audit of the 2020 election....."
The cancer of lies that he's willfully spreading to his loyal cult is undermining our institutions of democracy, and laying the groundwork for serious interference in the 2022 and 2024 elections with the collusion of Rethuglican state legislatures. His malignant narcissism seems so wounded and angered after his lawful defeat he and his party are willing to risk the country's future.
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