Saturday, July 17, 2021

Tweets Of The Day -- The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated Edition (Mostly)


Bloody hell --









Remembering John Lewis --





  1. Has anyone told Joe Biden that the first thing the 2022 election will likely see the republican nuts taking the house back and ....... one of the first thing they will do is proceed to impeachment hearings on Biden who stole the election and other crimes.

  2. Personally, I'll be in line for my third booster shot as soon as it's offered. I have no respect for these nutcase and semi-suicidal anti-vaxx mofo's.

  3. wjbill -- Biden knows what's going on and has smart people around him that know the existential threat that would be posed by having Republicans gain control of either house in 2022 -- but it's up to all of us to see that doesn't happen.

    BB - same here.
