Tuesday, August 24, 2021

QOTD -- Wrongheaded Framing


"It will be interesting to see how quickly, if at all, the American media outside of the Wingnut Scream Machine come to acknowledge that their initial framing of the evacuation is apparently going to end up being as wrongheaded as their coverage of Operation Enduring Freedom itself." -- Paul Campos, LGM

Don't look for any acknowledgement, but rather look for memory- holing the turnaround and rather impressive logistical feat underway.  Case in point, buried 11 paragraphs deep in this Reuters report, is this:

"Between 3 a.m. and 3 p.m. local time on Monday, some 10,900 people were evacuated from Kabul, meaning the United States had facilitated the removal of 48,000 people since Aug. 14."

We have a media addicted to pops and bangs, with easily ignored historical perspectives, with an attention span measured in hours if not minutes, and with egos unwilling to admit error (kind of reminds you of a certain malignant former guy).  Add to that a desire to prove that they're not treating Democrats with kid gloves.  

We're fond of repeating Masha Gessen's warning about onrushing autocracy: institutions will not save you.

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