Sunday, August 29, 2021

Regrets, They've Had A Few (Cont.)


Have regrets?  Well, maybe this "freedumb defender" didn't:

After close to a month in a hospital and grueling weeks on a ventilator, prominent Texas anti-mask “freedom” rally organizer Caleb Wallace died Saturday of COVID-19 complications. [snip]

Wallace, of San Angelo, had been at the local Shannon Medical Center since July 30. He had been unconscious, ventilated and heavily sedated in the ICU there since Aug. 8, the San Angelo Standard-Times reported. [snip]

[Wife] Jessica Wallace told the newspaper that her husband initially refused to be tested and took unproven home remedies for the virus, including high doses of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin, and ivermectin — a deworming treatment commonly given to livestock. Poison control centers are being swamped with calls from people suffering ill effects from ivermectin, and the Food and Drug Administration has issued alerts against ingesting the drug.

“He was so hard-headed,” Jessica Wallace told the Standard-Times. “He didn’t want to see a doctor, because he didn’t want to be part of the statistics with COVID tests.”

There's no indication he expressed any regrets for his choices, which resulted in his death and his leaving his wife and three children (with a fourth on the way) to fend for themselves.  He also took up an ICU bed for nearly a month, being treated for a virus he could have avoided by getting vaccinated and following medical guidance on masking.

A quote from the late Mr. Wallace:

Show me the science that masks work,” Wallace wrote on San Angelo’s Facebook page late last year. “Show me the evidence that school closures work. Show me the evidence that lock-downs work.”

You are the evidence that believing charlatans, existing to own the libs, and failing to take simple precautions to protect yourself and others can be fatal. 

(Image: April anti- COVID restriction rally in Texas with inset of Wallace;  Sergio Flores/ Getty Images)

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