Saturday, August 7, 2021

"Revisionist Insurrection" Rally Planned For September

A Trumpist seditionist group calling themselves "Justice for J6" is purportedly planning a rally at the Capitol on September 18 to protest the jailing and sentencing of their fellow rioters. Fortunately, law enforcement is aware of the rally, and a permit for the protest, if any, has not been made public.  Announcing the protest on derelict cosplayer and scammer Steve "Loose Cannon" Bannon's right-wing podcast, Matt "Braindead" Braynard stated the purpose of the seditionist rally:

“As we continue to raise the profile of these individuals, it makes it harder and harder for the left’s phony narrative about an insurrection to stick. What’s going to define [the rally] is where it’s going to take place: we’re going back to the Capitol.” (our emphasis)

FWIW, Braynard was the former guy's data chief for his campaign in 2016, and likely has some "narrative" to tell about the Kremlin's assistance in his work. As Tom O'Connor, a retired veteran of the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force said about these self-proclaimed supporters of law enforcement:

“Stop the madness. If you broke through the police line, you were part of the problem. You should be charged, tried and if found guilty go to jail and not pass go.”

Law enforcement -- Capitol, Metropolitan DC, FBI, and others -- has a head start on this potential second attack on the Capitol. There's more than ample time to get the DC National Guard and other area National Guard units up and in place to confront these thugs....again.

(photo: Peaceful Trumpists exchanging greetings with police. AP photo)


  1. The facist Bannon, arrested on a fugitive Chinese billionaires yacht for scamming cultists donations to (not) build a privatized wall; is still a prominent voice in conservative American politics. Sweet jesus.

  2. Mart -- With his arrogant recklessness, he's bound to trip up with the law before long. The sooner the better.
