Earlier this week in Federal Court in Brooklyn, a supporter of the fascist brown shirt "Proud Boy" gang pleaded guilty to threatening the life of Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), according to the Department of Justice complaint. Far-right seditionist Eduard Florea of Queens was arrested on January 12 in a raid on his home, where Federal agents found 1,000 rounds of ammunition and various weapons. He was prohibited from their possession, following an earlier felony conviction for illegally buying an AR-15 and semi-automatic shotgun. According to the complaint:
"Florea posted threatening statements online about killing elected officials, including now-United States Senator Raphael Warnock and committing other acts of violence in Washington, D.C. in connection with the certification of the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. For example, on January 5, 2021, at approximately 8:40 p.m., Florea posted, “We need to all come to an agreement . . . and go armed . . . and really take back Washington.” A few minutes later, Florea posted, “Tomorrow may very [well] be the day war kicks off . . .” At 11:53 p.m. the same day, Florea posted, “Warnock is going to have a hard time casting votes for communist policies when he’s swinging with the f***ing fish.” In the early morning hours of January 6, 2021, at approximately 12:42 a.m., Florea referenced Senator Warnock and stated, “Dead men can’t pass sh*t laws...” (our emphasis)
In their article on the case, the New York Daily News noted this about the unhinged radical:
"Prosecutors noted that Florea previously assaulted his wife, as well as the family dog.
The feds said that Florea choked his wife in front of their kids after she refused to use their joint business account to raise money for the Proud Boys."
Florea, who will be sentenced on November 29, faces 15 years in prison, and given his felony record and ongoing eagerness to take up arms against the Government, he must receive all if not the lion's share of that time. It's past time for giving these violent radicals light sentences.
(photo: May you serve a long stretch in prison. From Twitter)
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