Hospitals in states populated with "freedumb" loving Covidiots who wind up in intensive care units (ICUs) are having to turn away other, vaccinated patients with life threatening conditions. More than 10 states are experiencing crisis conditions as their hospital facilities are filled with unvaccinated COVID patients.
The tragic case of a critically ill heart patient in Alabama illustrates the impact that unvaccinated COVID patients are having on health care providers:
"When Ray DeMonia was having a cardiac emergency last month, his Alabama family waited anxiously for a nearby hospital with available space in its intensive care unit.
But in a state where coronavirus infections and unvaccinated patients have overwhelmed hospitals in recent months, finding an available ICU bed was an ordeal. It was so difficult, his family wrote this month, that the hospital in his hometown of Cullman, Ala., contacted 43 others in three states — and all were unable to give him the care he needed.
DeMonia, who was eventually transferred to a Mississippi hospital about 200 miles away, died at 73 on Sept. 1 — three days shy of his birthday."
Only 40% of Alabamians are fully vaccinated, making it among the worst, even among Trumpian red states whose residents have made vaccinations, mask-wearing and other health measures a political cudgel against the Biden Administration. They saw that the former guy's deadly mismanagement and demagoguery of the virus was a major reason in his defeat, and would like to do the same to the Biden Administration, even at the cost of family members.
There's been some discussion of giving unvaccinated COVID patients lower priority over patients like Mr. DeMonia. While that's unlikely to happen on a large scale, it demonstrates the frustration in dealing with Covidiots who seem to have their near death epiphany -- if at all -- intubated on a ventilator, when a safe and free vaccine could have saved them and people like Mr. DeMonia.
(photo: Getty Images)
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