Thursday, September 2, 2021

Republican "Freedumb"


(click on image to enlarge)



  1. Have some state such as Hawaii, California NY or elsewhere that allows private citizens to sue any gun owner for threatening behavior and win lose or draw the gun owner has to pay all Court costs and legal fees for both side.
    that and if the D's wish to placate the knuckle draggers with a voter ID scheme make it that a Covid vaccination card plus a state issued id (gun license does not apply) to vote.
    Time to turn attention to corporate pressure Apple, Google and others have large corporate footprints in Texas.
    Why is so called "hip" apple supporting the american taliban in texas, pushing new Jim Crow laws and attacks on womens health care, with jobs and tax revenues and MS isn't?
    Push for all major league sports to ban play in Texas. Either Texas teas play all games on the road or if they don't the win automatically goes to other team.
    Have PGA pull all certifications from Texas golf courses and reject any rankings played in tht state.
    Boycott any movies, TV shows or other media productions that take place in Texas.
    Full court press

    1. Our college friends are now living in Q, Texas. All in on boycotting anything TX until they stop huffing the qlue.
