Friday, October 1, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Incalculable --



Trump country "kill boxes" --



Bad faith is their brand --



Bad, Republican-wired  journalism is their brand --


Happy birthday --


Our choice, Garbage, was already taken --





  1. When Carter was President we were down to about 4 or 5 national and a handful of regional mostly tasteless breweries. He signed laws opening up homebrewing and de-regulated breweries. Micro-breweries started popping up soon after. Many a home brewer became a micro-brewer, a good deal after taking classes at The Siebel Institute in Chicago. What a great man.

  2. Mart -- did not know that. So he basically revived/started a new industry (there are 4 successful beer farms within a 15 minute drive from where i live).
