Monday, December 6, 2021

Remains Of Traitor's Statue Coming Down


The pedestal (or properly "plinth") upon which the statue of treason-in-defense-of-slavery Gen. Robert E. Lee once stood in Richmond, VA is being removed and the land around it transferred to the City of Richmond. The statue itself was removed last September. Outgoing Gov. Ralph Northam likely decided to remove the graffiti-marked object in the event that Republican / New Confederate Party Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin might decide to reward his racist, book banning and critical race theory warriors by erecting it again. 

The statues of Confederate traitors are being slowly taken down across the nation, as more people understand the racial, Jim Crow context that they were erected in a century or more ago. They've become a rallying point for neo-Nazis and other right-wing white supremacist groups, like the ones that rioted in Charlottesville, VA in 2017, causing the death of a counter demonstrator, Heather Heyer.

(photo: "Going, going....." Richmond Free Press/ Regina H. Boone)

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