Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Trumpist Dead Body Cult


The Washington Post's Dana Milbank starts off his latest op-ed piece:

"Sarah Palin, rocket scientist, offered her thoughts on the coronavirus vaccine at a far-right conference in Arizona over the weekend.

'It will be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot,' she proclaimed.

Unlikely, governor. Phase III trials have shown that the vaccines fail to generate a robust immune response when administered to dead people.

But Palin’s talk of dead bodies is on point. By discouraging vaccination, she and Tucker Carlson and the rest of the anti-science right are quite literally getting people killed. Studies show that those living in the most pro-Trump counties in the United States are dying from covid-19 at a rate more than five times higher than in the most anti-Trump counties."  (our emphasis)

First observation: she's even more stupid, if that's possible. Second observation: it would just be a case of "well, they asked for it" if it weren't for the impact their homicidal ignorance has on health care workers, families, etc. The Trumpist far right has taken on the look of a death cult in the face of a deadly virus, even after their lying, malignant cult leader and con man Donald "Big Loser" Trump has admitted (along with propagandist Bill O' Reilly) to have gotten the vaccination and booster, and bragged about getting the vaccine research started.

When your fellow cultists are dropping around you, and you're still adamant about not getting a life-saving vaccination even after your Dear Leader says he did, that's fanaticism and it's deadly.

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