"But her emails!" (cont.) --
Especially since his emails were about plotting a coup d'etat, while ours were about gefilte fish. https://t.co/XLYENxoCbn
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 16, 2021
It seems absolutely impossible that the Maggie Haberman’s of the world didn’t hear *anything at all* about literally the only work anyone in the Trump Admin was doing for two months.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) December 16, 2021
These crooks ain’t that slick… and a bunch of them saw nothing wrong with what they were doing.
It seems reasonable to speculate that the White House Press Corp:
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) December 16, 2021
1) Heard about the Trump Admin’s evolving coup plot
2) Didn’t report on it for a variety of reasons (eg would hurt their access; didn’t take it seriously; etc); and
3) Now, they’re in a bind
Iraq war veteran Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) calls Rep. "Gym" Jordan what he is --
Gallego: Jim Jordan is a traitor. He’s a traitor to the constitution of the United States. He has been a traitor to the constitution of the United States for quite a while pic.twitter.com/fzMmQ5z5OA
— Acyn (@Acyn) December 16, 2021
Darwinism at work (cont.) --
Vaccination status via new Monmouth poll:
— Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) December 15, 2021
96% already received
2% soon or see how it goes
2% likely will never get
54% already received
9% soon or see how it goes
30% likely will never get
Eric's "we're too dumb to collude" defense gets the "we're too dumb" part right --
Only Eric Trump could roll out a ‘We’re Too Dumb’ defense. New interview: “We weren’t smart enough to collude with Russia. We didn’t know what the hell we were doing. We didn’t know what a delegate was .. What the hell do I know.” (Audio) pic.twitter.com/qJ3fmAtYqa
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) December 15, 2021
Learning about CRT (Carter Reactor Troubleshooting) --
OK, but he wasn't as much of a manly man as Ronald Reagan, who spent WWII keeping the bar at the Brown Derby safe from the Imperial Japanese Navy. https://t.co/HQTRxrZC20
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) December 16, 2021
Had to fact check that Carter story as never heard it. What a man. Plus by opening up homebrewing and deregulating beer, he gave us microbreweries when we were down to about four national brands and a handful of regional ones.
ReplyDeleteMart -- well, that's even more reason to pour one out for Jimmy!